Magic, Myth & Majesty · 7 Fantasy Novels

Magic, Myth & Majesty · 7 Fantasy Novels
Dalglish, David & Arenson, Daniel & Crane, Robert J. & Prior, D. P. & Wallace, Michael & Lowell, Nathan & Robertson, Edward W.
Steel Magnolia Press
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7 Full-Length Epic Fantasy Novels by 7 Bestselling Authors

Find half-orcs, thieves, wizards, tested loyalties, magicked weapons, dragon wars and more in these first books of 7 popular series. No cliff-hangers!

Let the adventures begin...

WEIGHT OF BLOOD (The Half-Orcs) - David Dalglish

The struggles of two half-orc brothers will soon bathe the land of Dezrel in demon fire.

A LEGACY OF LIGHT (The Dragon War) - Daniel Arenson

A rebel band of dragon folk from the kingdom of Requiem face down the dark empire that's crushing them.

DEFENDER (The Sanctuary) - Robert J. Crane

Someone is stealing weapons of unlimited power, and only Sanctuary stands between the world of Arkaria and total destruction.

SWORD OF THE ARCHON (Shader) - D.P. Prior

The deadliest warrior of his generation, Deacon Shader must win Archon's Sword to battle a powerful, ancient enemy that threatens Creation.

THE DARK CITADEL (The Dark Citadel) - Michael Wallace

A slave boy and a young queen lead alliances of spies, servants and merchants to stave off the encroaching armies of a dark wizard.

THE WHITE TREE (The Cycle of Arawn) - Edward W. Robertson

The followers of the death god Arawn march from the shadows, and a young student of magic must assassinate the leader or see his homeland fall.

RAVENWOOD (Tanyth Fairport Adventures) - Nathan Lowell

When shamanistic healer Tanyth Fairport stops by to help a small village, she discovers you're never too old to make a bad decision.