The Silenced Majority · Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope

The Silenced Majority · Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope
Goodman, Amy & Moynihan, Denis
Haymarket Books
united states , political science , social history , media studies , politics , current affairs , history , sociology , social science , public policy , 21st century , general
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"Amy Goodman has taken investigative journalism to new heights of exciting, informative, and probing analysis."--Noam Chomsky

Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan began writing a weekly column, "Breaking the Sound Barrier," for King Features Syndicate in 2006. This timely new sequel to Goodman's "New York Times "bestseller of the same name gives voice to the many ordinary people standing up to corporate and government power--and refusing to be silent.

"The Silenced Majority "pulls back the veil of corporate media reporting to dig deep into the politics of "climate apartheid," the implications of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the movement to halt the execution of Troy Anthony Davis, and the globalization of dissent "From Tahrir Square to Liberty Plaza." Throughout Goodman and Moynihan show the work of ordinary people to change their media--and change the world.

Amy Goodman is a multiple "New York Times "best-selling author and the host and executive producer of "Democracy Now!" a daily independent news program airing on more than one thousand television and radio stations. "Time "named "Democracy Now! "its "Pick of the Podcasts," along with NBC's "Meet the Press." Goodman is the first journalist to receive the Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the "Alternative Nobel Prize."

Denis Moynihan, since helping co-found "Democracy Now!" as an independent production company in 2002, has participated in the organization's growth, focusing primarily on distribution, infrastructure development, and coordinating complex live broadcasts from all continents (save Antarctica). He lives in Denver, Colorado.