[Gutenberg 18164] • Potash & Perlmutter: Their Copartnership Ventures and Adventures

[Gutenberg 18164] • Potash & Perlmutter: Their Copartnership Ventures and Adventures

Montague Marsden Glass was a British-American Jewish lawyer and writer of short stories, plays and film scripts. His greatest success came with the creation of his fictional duo Abe Potash and Morris ("Mawrus") Perlmutter, who appeared in three books, a play, and several films.

This eBook contains Montague Glass's complete works (7 Books in one volume) with high quality Illustrations. The eBook is carefully formatted for eBook readers, easy to read, easy to navigate with fully functional table of contents.

Included Works:

1\. Abe And Mawruss: Being Further Adventures Of Potash And Perlmutter

2\. Elkan Lubliner, American

3\. The Competitive Nephew

4\. Object: Matrimony

5\. Potash & Perlmutter: Their Copartnership Ventures And Adventures

6\. Potash And Perlmutter Settle Things

7\. Worrying Won't Win