Piano Solos for the Church Year Songbook

Piano Solos for the Church Year Songbook
Corp., Hal Leonard
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation
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(Piano Solo Songbook). This value-priced collection features over 90 selections for various occasions during the church year. Includes: All Glory, Laud and Honor (Palm Sunday) * Amazing Grace (Funeral) * Beneath the Cross of Jesus (Lent) * Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (Thanksgiving) * Come Down, O Love Divine (Pentecost) * Crown Him with Many Crowns (Ascension) * Go, Tell It on the Mountain (Christmas Day) * Holy, Holy, Holy (Trinity Sunday) * Let Us Break Bread Together (Communion) * A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (General Worship) * O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Advent) * On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry (Baptism of the Lord) * Shall We Gather at the River? (Baptism) * Silent Night (Christmas Eve) * Thine Is the Glory (Easter) * We Three Kings of Orient Are (Epiphany) * Were You There? (Good Friday) * and more.