Kill Wilson (Petersburg Vampires)

Kill Wilson (Petersburg Vampires)
Lawrence, R.G.
vampires , romance , contemporary
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This tale has been going around for a few years, and like all good stories, it seems to have grown and expanded until it has taken on epic proportions. That’s all fine and good, if the folks involved in the war were all dead and buried. But that’s not the case.

Thing is, there’s a bunch of people who, directly, or indirectly, were responsible for the events that took place on Mitkof Island, in Southeast Alaska. And seeing as I know a few of them, and I know the truth about who did what to who, it made sense to me that a proper recording of the events needed to be made. My friends who had a hand in the war, vampires and humans, have given their blessing on this chronicle.

You heard me. Vampires. There are a sizable number of vampires living amongst the human race. Many are working alongside you, some socializing with you, a few teaching your children in school, and occasionally, you might even have slept with one.

The story begins with three roving vampires, and a few innocent decisions that went horribly wrong.

Anne Marie Paine, (a vampire who had been murdered and reborn in 1882 at the age of sixteen) along with her sire, Danner, and her brother, Riley, have spent a hundred years traveling the country, roaming from one place to the next. They’ve made friends, forged business alliances, and made a bit of money, but they were drifters, answering to nobody.

Things change when Danner is called to appear before his sire in a tiny town in Alaska. The three leave immediately, not realizing their immortal lives are about to be changed forever. The horrific events that take place during their ill-fated trip leave Anne Marie with one single focus: to collect a blood debt from Danner’s maker, Beryl Wilson.

The tiny, ill-prepared and unqualified girl is willing to sacrifice everything, including her immortality, in the pursuit of Wilson’s head.

For nearly two years, Anne Marie trains with the world’s greatest warriors, preparing her body…and her mind, for the impossible task in front of her.

Assembling a crew of vampire warriors and human Army veterans, she sets out for Alaska to collect the debt Wilson owes. The team contains a former Ranger sniper, a Kenjutsu sword master, a munitions expert, and the greatest vampire warrior of the past 400 years.

What follows is the honest account of the vampire war that took place on the east side of Mitkof Island, near the town of Petersburg, Alaska. This truthful version of the events doesn’t attempt to gloss over the facts. There is violence, horror, sex, and drugs. There is grotesque murder, insanity, and domestic sadism on a grand scale.

But there is also friendship, loyalty, respect…and finally, closure.

Above all else, the story sticks to the facts. If you have a weak stomach, I suggest you continue researching the other numerous accounts recorded about the Petersburg War. You might find a softer, gentler version of the story. But you won’t find the truth.

For those who have the fortitude to continue, don‘t be scared. But I suggest you be ready to accept the reality about vampires. A good rule to live by is…it’s a hell-of-a-lot better to have them on your side, than as your enemy.

When you finish this story, I think each of you will agree.

Blood Debt:

Balance due, or an obligation resulting from the unlawful or illegal death of an innocent. The obligation, as a rule, demands the demise of the person responsible for the initial death.