[Firedrake 01] • Firedrake - One

[Firedrake 01] • Firedrake - One
McCurley, T. Mike
Smashwords Edition
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"Firedrake is a fast-paced thrill ride that keeps me coming back for more!" -

R. J. Ross, Author, "Cape High" series.

"...rich, character-driven prose builds a realistic world that pulls you into

the story and doesn't let you go." - Matt Hiebert, creator of the Ultra series

and former owner/editor of Superherofiction.com.

In 1963, human beings began to Emerge - to develop abilities far beyond the

human norm. Some were born twisted or in shapes once thought fantastic. Some

used their newfound abilities to aid, some to hinder, and many just wanted to

be left alone. Their differences, however, marked them. The very fact that

they had Emerged made them separate from others. The 'geneboosters', as they

came to be known, were a new race, and as science struggled to understand them

and determine their origin, they began to prove that even those labeled as

more than human were still plagued by Man's darker urges. Killers tore through

cities now, stopped not by police or even military force. Men capable of

shattering tanks sold their services to organized crime. Tortured souls became

virtual demigods overnight.

For Francis Drake, life was not an easy thing. Having Emerged in the womb, he

was born in the form of a dragon. To his devout father, he was the spawn of

the Devil, and he grew up abused and beaten. Fleeing that environment, he

looked for a new home elsewhere, but found that life was an unforgiving thing.

Set up to fail, he quickly agreed to become an agent of the government in

exchange for their care of his disabled brother. His life consists of missions

to stop those that ordinary law enforcement cannot: geneboosters who have

turned their back on society. When not endangering his life (and tearing up

the scenery), he tries to spend what time he can with his brother.

As he fights to keep his family together, a larger, more sinister conspiracy

is brewing. Changes are beginning that will drag Francis Drake into what could

be an all-out war between the Emerged. How will he handle what comes his way?