Firestone Key

Firestone Key
Noe, Caroline
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What power would you use to make it right?

Elaine survives an abusive childhood that leaves her with a scarred face and an exceptional mind. In order to save humanity from a terrible fate, she devises The Project: an impossible manipulation of time.

But when the fading vortex inexplicably bursts into life, Elaine is blasted into a medieval society that bears no relation to the history books; a land of curiously human animals, foul monsters and violent magic; a land living in fear of the infamous Firestone and the hideous Queen that wields its power.

Finding in the oppressed villagers the family she has always craved, Elaine learns that time is in flux and every action bears a consequence. Encountering a traitor as scarred as herself, she begins a relationship that will tragically alter future, present and past.

But what is the Firestone? And what if it lies closer than she knows, for…

Every evil has an origin.