Python Web Development with Django

Python Web Development with Django
Forcier, Jeff & Bissex, Paul & Chun, Wessley
Addison-Wesley Professional
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This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.Using the simple, robust, Python-based Django framework, you can build powerful Web solutions with remarkably few lines of code. In "Python Web Development with Django(R)," three experienced Django and Python developers cover all the techniques, tools, and concepts you need to make the most of Django 1.0, including all the major features of the new release. The authors teach Django through in-depth explanations, plus provide extensive sample code supported with images and line-by-line explanations. You'll discover how Django leverages Python's development speed and flexibility to help you solve a wide spectrum of Web development problems and learn Django best practices covered nowhere else. You'll build your first Django application in just minutes and deepen your real-world skills through start-to-finish application projects including

Simple Web log (blog)

Online photo gallery

Simple content management system

Ajax-powered live blogger

Online source code sharing/syntax highlighting tool

How to run your Django applications on the Google App Engine

This complete guide starts by introducing Python, Django, and Web development concepts, then dives into the Django framework, providing a deep understanding of its major components (models, views, templates), and how they come together to form complete Web applications. After a discussion of four independent working Django applications, coverage turns to advanced topics, such as caching, extending the template system, syndication, admin customization, and testing. Valuable reference appendices cover using the command-line, installing and configuring Django, development tools, exploring existing Django applications, the Google App Engine, and how to get more involved with the Django community. Introduction 1 Part I: Getting Started Chapter 1: Practical Python for Django 7 Chapter 2: Django for the Impatient: Building a Blog 57 Chapter 3: Starting Out 77 Part II: Django in Depth Chapter 4: Defining and Using Models 89 Chapter 5: URLs, HTTP Mechanisms, and Views 117 Chapter 6: Templates and Form Processing 135 Part III: Django Applications by Example Chapter 7: Photo Gallery 159 Chapter 8: Content Management System 181 Chapter 9: Liveblog 205 Chapter 10: Pastebin 221 Part IV: Advanced Django Techniques and Features Chapter 11: Advanced Django Programming 235 Chapter 12: Advanced Django Deployment 261 Part V: Appendices Appendix A: Command Line Basics 285 Appendix B: Installing and Running Django 295 Appendix uTools for Practical Django Development 313 Appendix D: Finding, Evaluating, and Using Django Applications 321 Appendix E: Django on the Google App Engine 325 Appendix F: Getting I