The Twelve Faces of the Goddess

The Twelve Faces of the Goddess

"Join [Danielle Blackwood] at that moonlit crossroads where magick and the sacred feminine intersect with astrology . . . Let The Twelve Faces of the Goddess be a lantern for you."-Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky

Discover the Guiding Goddesses in Your Birth Chart and Ignite Your Authenticity, Passion, and Purpose

Did you know that astrology and magick are woven from the same threads? The more you learn about one, the more you'll intuitively understand about the other. This inspiring, hands-on guide shows you how to connect with the twelve faces of the Goddess through astrology, story, ritual, and pathworking.

Explore cross-cultural myths associated with each goddess, delve into astrology from a groundbreaking feminine perspective, and discover the personality, archetype, and correspondences of each zodiac sign to unlock a deeper understanding of yourself as the heroine of your story. Work with the specific guiding goddesses in your birth chart, learn how astrology is connected to the seasonal turning points on the Wheel of the Year, and much more. The Twelve Faces of the Goddess is a reminder that connecting with the sacred feminine is an empowering and radical act that can guide you on your journey.


"An inspiring exploration of the archetypal interconnections between astrology, ritual, and the divine feminine."-Kris Waldherr, bestselling author of The Book of Goddesses and creator of The Goddess Tarot

"Danielle has beautifully woven a book that everyone can use to enhance their journey into the feminine and the mysteries on many levels. Though it is about the goddesses and the feminine found in the archetypes of astrology, mythology, ritual and the magical, it is not a book for women only. It is a book for all on the seeking path-to the realms of their own inner space; all the types are familiar to us, but now we have the language."-Erin Sullivan, author, astrologer, and teacher

"Danielle Blackwood has crafted a beautiful and smart zodiacal tribute to the Goddess. All too frequently when astrologers present archetypal descriptions of the twelve Sun signs, the signs are unconsciously framed in terms of the masculine psyche and its agenda. In order to eliminate this habit as astrologers, we need the Goddess to speak first, we need her to speak more often, and we need her to speak from her own authority. To this end, Blackwood has contributed something powerful to the field of archetypal astrology."-Adam Elenbaas, astrologer, author of Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahusca Vision Quest

"Although we've never met, Danielle Blackwood is a kindred spirit. As I read her poetic prose, she beckoned me to join her at that moonlit crossroads where magick and the sacred feminine intersect with astrology. That is where it all began and that is where it will wind up, as the patriarchal spell unravels and we remember who we are. Let The Twelve Faces of the Goddess be a lantern for you on that homeward path."-Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky

"A refreshing look at astrology from the perspective of the divine feminine. The topic of astrology is often intimidating to learn, but Blackwood presents information about the signs and how to use the magick and power of the goddesses connected to them in an easy-to-understand and relatable way . . . this is a must-read."-Stephanie Woodfield, author of Dark Goddess Craft

"This beautifully written book is a thoroughly uplifting, as well as informative, read and now has a place at the top of my list of favorite astrology books."-Lisa Tenzin-Dolma, author of The Planetary Myths and Take Control with Astrology

"A brilliant melding of the ancient art of astrology with modern-depth psychology perspectives, resulting in a partnership that can be used to facilitate pe