

Have you ever felt like something was wrong with you, just because you were an introvert?

If so, you’re not alone.

Over the past few years, I’ve been witness to thousands of introverts who have experienced a greater understanding of what exactly it means to be an

introvert in an extroverted world.

They’ve discovered that introversion isn’t just a quirky thing that gives us an excuse to leave the party early. It’s a way of being in conscious relationship

with our energy. It influences how we show up in the world.

Above all, we’ve learned to see it as a strength.

This book shares insights and inspiration for introverts who want to create life on their own terms.

"Insight: Reflections on the Gifts of Being an Introvert" is a compilation of my favorite blog posts and articles that speak specifically to the introvert, mixed in with topics that are more general but still interesting to anyone who wants to deepen his or her self-awareness.

~Beth Buelow, author

The Introvert Entrepreneur