Knight Defenders

Knight Defenders

Gwen wanted to believe that her real first name – Guinevere – was nothing more than the byproduct of her father's obsession with the legends of Merlin, an obsession that had cost him his job and ultimately ruined both their lives.Yet, when she encounters a monster in a dark alley bent on killing her and meets Lance, her movie-star gorgeous rescuer who explains the truth about them and who he is – Lancelot, from King Arthur's court – there's no way she can believe that he's just some insane man who claims to still be answering King Arthur's battle cry after fifteen hundred years, especially when she meets the other knights and discovers she is being targeted by beasts sent to hunt them long ago by the evil witch, Morgan Le Fey.Gwen is pulled into a battle for her life. But as the pieces in a complex plan put together by Merlin himself fall in place and Gwen with the knights pursues the source of Morgan's evil, she is soon afraid for much more than her life, for Lance wins her...