[Gutenberg 42826] • Austria / containing a Description of the Manners, Customs, Character and Costumes of the People of that Empire

[Gutenberg 42826] • Austria / containing a Description of the Manners, Customs, Character and Costumes of the People of that Empire
Shoberl, Frederic
austria -- social life and customs
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Austria / containing a Description of the Manners, Customs, Character and Costumes of the People of that Empire. by Frederick Shoberl


On turning over the pages of this work, some readers may possibly be surprised to find that so large a proportion of the engravings belong to one of the countries composing the Austrian empire. When, however, it is considered that a high degree of civilization tends to assimilate the manners, amusements, and dress of the great mass of the inhabitants of those countries in which it prevails; and that the people of the German states of this empire are scarcely, if at all surpassed in that respect by any nation in Europe; it will be evident that they must exhibit fewer of those peculiar characteristics which it is the object of this work to collect and delineate.

Hungary stands in a very different predicament. Peopled by tribes belonging to many different nations, whose distinctive habits, manners, and prejudices have not been melted down by refinement and cultivation, it affords much more ample materials for the pencil than Austria, properly so called. For this reason, by far the greater part of the embellishments have been selected from among the singular, picturesque and romantic costumes of that kingdom and its dependant provinces.


The empire of Austria, one of the most extensive and powerful of the states of Europe, is composed of provinces situated in Germany, Poland and Italy, and embraces the whole of Hungary.

The German dominions of this monarchy consist of Upper and Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Bohemia, Moravia, part of Silesia, and the Tyrol and Salzburg.

In Poland it possesses the kingdom of Galicia.

The Hungarian states are: Hungary proper, Slavonia, Croatia, Dalmatia, Transylvania and the Bukowina.

In Italy, Venice and the Milanese form the Lombard-Venetian kingdom, one of the brightest jewels in the crown of Austria.

The extent and population of these provinces is shown in the subjoined table.


1\. Provinces of the Austrian Empire--Their Extent and Population

2\. Of the different Nations of the Austrian Dominions--The Jews--The Germans--The Slavonians, including the Bohemians--The Slowacks--The Wendes and the Rascians of Illyria--The Magyares or Hungarians--The Walachians--The Zingares or Gipsies--The Armenians--The Greeks, Turks, &c.

3\. Religions--Roman Catholics--Greek Church--Armenians--Protestants--Socinians--Jews--Mahometans

4\. Character of the People of Austria

5\. Inhabitants of Lower Austria--Manners of the People of Vienna--Amusements--Houses--Population and Mortality--Shops--Paved Streets--The Fire-Watch--Costumes of Upper Austria

6\. Costume of the Inhabitants--The Johannæum at Grätz

7\. Costumes of the Bohemians

8\. Costumes of the Inhabitants--Account of the Haunacks--Peasants of the Frontiers

9\. Migrations of the Tyrolese--Their Frankness--Their Attachment to the House of Austria--Anecdote of the Archduchess Elizabeth--Literary Turn of the Tyrolese--Their Extraordinary Honesty--Fondness for Pugilistic Exercises and the Chase--Ancient Practice--Moral Character--Superstition--Mechanical Genius--Persons and Costumes--National Songs--Custom of visiting the Graves of Relations--Marriage Ceremonies of the Tyrolese

10\. Extent--Division--Constitution--Vast Estates of the Magnats--State of the Peasantry--Their Indolence--Thievish Disposition of the Herdsmen--Punishments--Hungarian Prison--General Appearance of the Peasants and their Habitations in different Counties--Horned Cattle--Sheep--Village Herdsmen--Ravages of Wolves--Granaries--Costumes

11\. Extent of Population--Manners of the Walachians--The Gipsies--Costumes
