[The Inglewood Chronicles 01] • The Cactus Killer

[The Inglewood Chronicles 01] • The Cactus Killer

Victor Inglewood does not have the easiest job in the world; he is the sheriff of a werewolf community named Full Moon in Southern New Mexico. To make matters tougher, Victor is the only wolf in town who cannot transform. No one knows what happened or why on the night of his thirteenth birthday, but unlike everyone else, his call to the wolf came unanswered. Now, armed with his quick wit and a pistol nicknamed Roscoe, he keeps the town in order ...well until he gets a visitor at the station looking for help.

Elizabeth Swansea is an ancient vampire, well over a thousand years old, with a wicked and checkered past. Like all born vampires, she looks remarkably young, twenty-five at most, and has a personality to match her unnatural age. But, behind the facade is a deadly woman who is facing a serious problem. Someone is knocking off vampires in the southwest and seeing as she is the ambassador to the region, it is her job to find out who. Looking for help, Elizabeth follows some rumors to a small town in New Mexico that has a unique werewolf.

Victor and Elizabeth team up to catch a serial killer who is targeting the supernatural community. He is ruthless, cunning, and worst of all, doing it in the name of the greater good. In order to stop him, our crack team will have to work together, enlist powerful allies, and overcome their own pasts. The Cactus Killer is coming and all be damned who get in his way.