The Warrior of Sapin

The Warrior of Sapin
Flowers, Whiskey
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For centuries the dark god Faramedes has been conserving power, his plan was to find a perfect human vessel to give his power to then transfer his conciousness in so he could once again walk the world of man. Faramedes finally found what he was looking for in a human baby, Faramedes was able to transfer some of his power but the ritual was interrupted and his conciousness never transferred over. The baby was taken by followers of the Goddess of Light and secreted away by one of her followers.

Jason is a sixteen year old boy that has it all figured out, he is an apprentice blacksmith under his father, he is proficient with the sword and one day hopes to inherit the smithy his father owns in the small town of Gaol in the kingdom of Sapin. Jason's life is shattered when he runs afoul of the powerful Baron Dawson and he is forced to fight for his life. Initially thought to be headed to certain death by fighting in foreign lands, Jason grows up and soon Baron Dawson will learn what every other enemy of Jason's already know, to fear the Warrior from Sapin.