The Wrong Lance

The Wrong Lance
Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve
Sharon Lee
korval , liad
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In early 2018, the writing team of Lee and Miller "threw away" the first 70,000 words of a Liaden novel. They weren't bad words; merely, they weren't the right words. The book that rose from the ashes of this failed draft, Accepting the Lance, was published by Baen Books. Some of the 70,000 words of failed draft found their way into that novel, but about 44,000--didn't. They were still perfectly good words; strung together, they presented an interesting story, and an amusing look at what not to do when writing a direct sequel in a long-running-series. Lee and Miller decided to make these words available to their readers.

The Wrong Lance, as the failed draft was titled, was originally posted at and at Lee and Miller's Patreon page patreon/leeandmiller. The chapters have now been removed, and compiled into this volume.

The Wrong Lance is a non-canon Liaden story. This means that nothing that is reported in its pages actually happened in the Liaden Universe®. For an accurate report of what did happen at Surebleak during the TerraTrade Survey, please consult Accepting the Lance, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. The Wrong Lance is exactly that, and is presented for your amusement only.