Integral Spirituality · A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World

Integral Spirituality · A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World
Wilber, Ken
Shambhala Publications
spirituality , philosophy , psychology , religion , self-help , non-fiction
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Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World is being widely called the most important book on spirituality in our time. Applying his highly acclaimed integral approach, Ken Wilber formulates a theory of spirituality that honors the truths of modernity and postmodernity—including the revolutions in science and culture—while incorporating the essential insights of the great religions. He shows how spirituality today combines the enlightenment of the East, which excels at cultivating higher states of consciousness, with the enlightenment of the West, which offers developmental and psychodynamic psychology. Each contributes key components to a more integral spirituality.

On the basis of this integral framework, a radically new role for the world’s religions is proposed. Because these religions have such a tremendous influence on the worldview of the majority of the earth’s population, they are in a privileged position to address some of the biggest conflicts we face. By adopting a more integral view, the great religions can act as facilitators of human development: from magic to mythic to rational to pluralistic to integral—and to a global society that honors and includes all the stations of life along the way.

"Even the timid first-timer can penetrate and be rewarded by Integral Spirituality."--Shambhala Sun

"A satisfying and thought-provoking read."--Elephant

"Ken Wilber's Integral Spirituality is

possibly the most important spiritual book in postmodern times. Step by

step, with luminous clarity, he unites all spiritual traditions without

diluting the potency of any one lineage or tradition. I think this book

is an antidote to the religious animosity of our times. Anyone serious

about raising the level of consciousness on this planet should read this

masterpiece."--Dennis Genpo Merzel, Roshi

"A work of inspired genius. Integral Spirituality is a seminal text for 21st-century spiritual studies."--Jim Marion, author of Putting on the Mind of Christ

"One of the most important books on spirituality written in the

postmodern era. The Kabbalah of the future will rest on Ken's

work."--Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, coauthor of Jewish with Feeling and Credo of a Modern Kabbalist

"Getting acquainted with Wilber's Integral Approach can be as thrilling

as seeing the first photograph of Earthrise over the moon's horizon. A

crucial task of our time is reconciliation between the wisdom of the

world's religious traditions and the best in contemporary thought. Integral Spirituality

offers a new and promising framework for tackling this task and renews

my hope." --Brother David Steindl-Rast, cofounder of

"Integral Spirituality is a book

that literally shatters spiritual confusion. Eloquent, compassionate,

and deeply helpful, it should be read by every practitioner and lover of

Spirit."--Sally Kempton, author of The Heart of Meditation

 "Vast in scope, profound in depth, and far reaching in its implications, Integral Spirituality

is, quite simply, the most encompassing account of religion and

spirituality available in our time."--Roger Walsh, PhD, University of

California, author of Essential Spirituality

Ken Wilber is the developer of an integral "theory of everything" that

embraces the truths of all the world's great psychological, scientific,

philosophical, and spiritual traditions. He founded the Integral

Institute, a think-tank for studying issues of science and society, in

2000. Wilber is the author of twenty books.