[Cin Fin-Lathen 00] • The Cin Fin-Lathen Mysteries 1-3

[Cin Fin-Lathen 00] • The Cin Fin-Lathen Mysteries 1-3
Aaron, Alexie
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Cin Fin-Lathen, a forty-something, whiskey-drinking musician, celebrates her divorce with a BMW Z3 convertible, music and murder.

Decomposing Accepting a job inventorying a defunct music school in Cornwall, England seemed like a dream come true to newly divorced, empty-nesting Cin Fin-Lathen, whiskey drinking, music librarian of the Coconut Palms Community Band. Having her international travel and lodgings paid for, and the opportunity to spend time with her daughter, what could go wrong? How about being mistaken for a private detective, hired to find out who has been attacking the owner of said music school, being shadowed by a mysterious and handsome priest, or her hostess being shot before jet lag had started to set in?

Cin hits the ground running in the debut novel of the “Cin Fin-Lathen Mysteries.”

Death by Saxophone “Music has charms to soothe the savage beast.” Evidently William Congreve had not spent any time in Coconut Palms Community Band trying to make music. Cin Fin-Lathen finds out too late that she shares the dream of performing in a community group without musicians whose talent is eclipsed by their egos, with a serial killer. From the first beat of the baton, the main suspect is Cin herself, whose imaginary hit list is being poached. First Carl the lead saxophonist is discovered by Cin onstage at intermission, followed soon by another thorn in Cin’s side.

Can Cin with the help of Harry O’Rourke solve the murders in time to save herself? Or will she too fall victim and face a “Death by Saxophone” in the second novel of the “Cin Fin-Lathen Mysteries.”

Discord A productive practice of the Coconut Palms Community Band has performer Cin Fin-Lathen in a wonderfully harmonic mood. That is until she arrives home to find out that Father Michael is missing. His aunt Diane, who has Cin pegged as a priest poacher, has hired her and Harry O’Rourke to find him. They pick up his trail in Savannah, Georgia where he has left clues for Cin to follow that lead them back to Palm Beach County’s migrant communities. Cin and Harry find that they are being watched by unsavory individuals as they race to find the missing priest and answers as to why he came to south Florida in the first place?

Cin and Harry, along with four military clerics, fight to stop terrorists, hell-bent on bringing “Discord” to south Florida in this third novel of the “Cin Fin-Lathen Mysteries.”
