A Message for the King

A Message for the King
Jones, Charlotte
Bartholin Books
literature & fiction , erotica
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A knight-errant has one hell of a day. Watch out for the watery tarts you find near enchanted pools.

An erotic Arthurian romp.from Charlotte Jones, author of Pleasure Princess.

About 5,000 words.

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Three long days in the saddle had rubbed his arse red raw. Lance could take no more. He reined up by a stream that ran along the edge of a wood, and saw where a deep pool had formed. It was too good to resist. He tied Bramley under the shade of an oak tree and let him graze. Bramley snorted contentedly.

Taking off his armor without his esquire's help was awkward but Lance managed, twisting this way and that until he'd unbuckled all the straps. He dumped the iron plates and his long chain mail tunic beside a rock, along with his sword. He shrugged off his flaxen shirt, kicked off his boots, untied his sweaty codpiece and lowered himself into the pool. The shocking chill made his cock shrink to half its size. He laughed, until the thought dawned that it might not regain its former length again. But that was a nonsense; it was just the cold. He enjoyed the soothing relief the pool brought, and the warmth of the sunshine on his body from the waist up.

He washed his codpiece, twisted the water out of it and threw it towards the rock. A brawny hand snatched it out of the air before it landed. Lance looked up to see a snarling monster that must surely be born of foul sorcery. But then he made better sense of what he was seeing. The fierce eyes of a red-bearded Pict warrior stared back at him. The warrior wore a bear's head, a black fur cloak, and a necklace of bear claws.

"This is my land, this is my stream, and that is my pool," the warrior said.