The Milk Affliction

The Milk Affliction
Silvestri, Elliot
Green Bush Publishing
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It didn’t start innocently. But Sidney had always had a thing for women. Carly would never had admitted it to herself let alone say it out loud, but she was attracted to women as well.

What started out as an innocent romp in bed quickly became intense, not because of misunderstood feelings, but because Carly started lactating and both she and Sidney were enthralled by what her body could do.

They weren’t the only ones enthralled by it…

This is a 5 0,000 word erotic novella that contains explicit sex and sexual descriptions of erotic lactation. It focuses on explicit sex, erotic lactation, adult nursing relationships, risky sex, complicated sexual relationships, group sex, threesomes, *and other sexually explicit themes and language that not all members of the public will enjoy. *

*All characters are 18 or older. *

*Originally published in five parts. *

Alcohol was involved.

When Sidney went over to Carly’s apartment after work because it had been a year since Carly had broken up with Richard. A long year in which Carly had mourned the loss of her boyfriend to “that red-haired slut-whore” as she put it.

Sidney thought Carly was better off without Richard, but a year of not dating was taking it too far.

Not that Sidney was having much better luck in the dating department. For the past year every man she met was good for, at most five dates, and maybe two rolls in the bed before he disappeared. Sidney was starting to doubt herself, her sexuality, and her hopes of ever having a permanent partner in her life.

“Hel-loo,” Carly slurred when she opened the door to her place. She juggled a bottle of wine that was mostly empty in one hand and a mostly full wine glass in the other as she dealt with the door. “I’ve been waiting for you, best friend.”

Sidney had seen Carly drunk before, but this was a little much so early in the evening.

“I see you have a head start on me.”