Shattered Dreams Book Seven

Shattered Dreams Book Seven
White, Angela
Cloud 9 Publications
post apocalyptic survival , armageddon , angela white , life after war , psychics and horror , shtf book , dystopian military fiction series
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Beware the Blades of Karma

We were supposed to have a home now, with walls and floors. The constant traveling, trying to outrun nature was going to be over. We were going to build a life that resembled what we had lost, full of peace and the pursuit of happiness. We’d earned it.

Then all of the dreams that had held us through the nightmares shattered against the stone. We lost our hope, our home, and half of our members in the attempt. Now, outlasting death long enough to reach Kendle’s island is all that remains for us and even that isn’t certain.

“The future, cold and dark, offers little comfort. Without change, there can be no peace. Only survivors.”

Need to Know Information

Title: Shattered Dreams

Length: 834 pages

Author: ©Angela White

Publisher: C9 Publications

ISBN#: 978-1-945927-65-2

Next in series: Dearly Departed (Book 8) Life After War

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Related to series: Alexa’s Travels, Marc and Dog

life after war, armageddon, post apocalyptic survival, dystopian military fiction series, psychics and apocalypse horror, angela white, shtf book,