The Critical Years 1857-1873

The Critical Years 1857-1873
Morton, W.L.
McClelland & Stewart
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Introduction by Dean Oliver Volume XII of the Canadian Centenary Series Now available as e-books for the first time and with the addition of a new introduction by Dean Oliver of the Museum of Canadian History, the Canadian Centenary Series is a comprehensive nineteen-volume history of the peoples and lands which form Canada. Although the series is designed as a unified whole so that no part of the story is left untold, each volume is complete in itself.The Confederation of 1867 was the uncertain climax of more than a decade of ferment in British North America; its immediate consequence was the production by 1873 of the union of all the British colonies but one in the Dominion of Canada. In this fascinating account of those critical years, W.L. Morton shows just how complex were the events which produced that union. He makes clear the important roles played by both founding nations in moulding the new Dominion, demonstrating a perceptive insight...