[Union Ships of the Line 01] • The Return of the Seven Sisters

[Union Ships of the Line 01] • The Return of the Seven Sisters
Mahaffey-Jr., James A.B.
SSI Press
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This is a story about heavily armed artificial life forms raised to serve the galactic Union. These autonomous sentient star ships ensure justice and freedom for all sentient species in the galaxy. The Union was formed over seven billion years ago by three great races to protect the weak from the strong and bring an end to slavery. Over the next half a billion years the first three great races brought in five more great races. It was the Sixth Race, to join the Union, that designed and built these defenders of the galaxy officially know as the Seven Sisters.

The Sisters became legends across the galaxy. No enemy of the Union could stand against them. Their weapons were superior to any weapon ever developed. The Seven Sisters upheld Galactic Law with honor and integrity for over three billion years - and continued their great work after the Union collapsed...