[Frank Sessions 02] • The Young Prey

[Frank Sessions 02] • The Young Prey
Waugh, Hillary
Tower & Leisure Sales Co.
mystery , police procedural
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This taut police novel is more than the story of a crime. It takes an unflinching look at a well publicized aspect of today's society, strips away the strobe lights and lets the reader draw his own conclusion.

The Detective is Frank Sessions of the Homicide Squad, Manhattan North, a tough professional and stubborn bachelor who sometimes wishes he could see a little more of the best in man and not so much of the worst.

The case is that of a young white girl — raped, murdered and thrown out the window of a Harlem tenement. It’s a murder that makes even a case-hardened cop like Sessions react. The hunt for the killer cuts a path through the life of today — New York style — from the hippies to the junkies — and the wrap-up is as startling as it is commonplace.

This is a story that is tense, true and today. This is the way it is.

Hillary Waugh has no peer in the field of police procedural writing. The Young Prey is his twenty-third novel and his second in the Homicide North Series. Mr. Waugh is a graduate of Yale and lives in Connecticut with his wife and three children.