[Breed 04] • Death Stage

[Breed 04] • Death Stage
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Western: BREED is a Deadly name. The Concorde Stage hurtled out of control down the perilous tail of Windy Pass. And right behind - and closing fast - rode three men with murder in their eyes. Then the shots rang out, and one by one the road bandits catapulted from their horses as their death-trail ended in a welter of blood.

And Matthew Gunn smiled over the smoking barrle of his Winchester....

They called him Breed; haf-white, half-Apache, a killer with a merciless mission-vengeance.

And a town called Endurance soon found out two things about this cold-eyed loner. First, that Breed was the man who had saved the stage. Second, that to cross Breed's path was to cross with death....