
- Authors
- Alarcón, Orfa
- Publisher
- Alfaguara
- Tags
- romance , fiction , action & adventure , contemporary
- 9786073175425
- Date
- 2019-05-21T00:00:00+00:00
- Size
- 0.66 MB
- Lang
- es
�Bien f�cil distingues al lobo de los coyotes: el lobo es el que mata, el coyote nom�s se come las sobras.� **** Una loba que quiere ser libre, �podr� sobrevivir sin su manada?.
Lucy quiere escapar del territorio de su padre, un poderoso y temible pol�tico, que es tambi�n un prominente capo del crimen organizado en el norte de M�xico. Su intento de escape no tiene un plan bien definido, por lo cual es capturada por Trevi�o, fiel esbirro del padre.
Lucy no desiste, y en su ruta de huida va perdiendo casi todo: su c�moda vida, sus escasos amigos, sus hombres, su guardaespaldas... Todo, excepto su pistola.
Pero eso es s�lo el inicio: a sus escasos a�os habr� de conocer la degradaci�n, la muerte, la miseria, quiz�s el incesto.
Tal vez su vaga esperanza de escapar no se concrete.
Tal vez su manada es m�s grande de lo que ella se imagina.
Tal vez no hay escape.
"It is easy to distinguish the wolves from the coyotes: the wolf is the one who kills, the coyote just eats whatever is left."
Here we have a wolf who wants to be free, but can she survive without her herd?
Lucy wants to escape from her father's territory; he is a powerful and feared politician, who is also a prominent organized crime boss in northern Mexico. She does not have a well-defined escape plan, which is why she is captured by Trevi�o, her father's faithful henchman. Lucy does not give up, and during her attempts to escape she loses almost everything: her comfortable life, her few friends, her bodyguards ... Everything except her gun.
But that is only the beginning: at her young age she will have to face and get to know humiliation, filth, death, misery, and perhaps even incest.
Maybe her hopes of escaping will never be achieved.
Maybe her herd was bigger than she had imagined.
Maybe there is no escape.