The Entrepreneurial Introvert Guide ·Discover and Take advantage of your Quiet Inner Power, Making the Best of your Introvert Methods to Kill It in the Business World

The Entrepreneurial Introvert Guide ·Discover and Take advantage of your Quiet Inner Power, Making the Best of your Introvert Methods to Kill It in the Business World
Lowes, Jennifer C.
Freedom Foundation Publishing
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Get My incredible Introvert Series Book Bundle at an INCREDIBLE SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE of $3.99!!! Regularly priced: $6.99. This is what I call a "Brain Dead" Amazing Deal! You can read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

First!...The Entrepreneurial Introvert Guide

Do you wonder what kind of activities will empower you as an INTROVERT to effectively drive your business venture forward?

Are you ready to learn and take advantage of the common traits that most of the Introverted business geniuses like Warren Buffet or Mark Zuckerberg (to name only a few), possess?

I remember the countless times my own ideas were denied to be later accepted as my superior’s, who had voiced them out in a better, flashier way than I had done before.

I went from being practically invisible in the corporate world to thriving as an Entrepreneur on my own.

In this essential guide you will get incredible insights and actionable strategies into the following topics for entrepreneurial introverts so that you don’t have to learn them the hard way like I did:

Understand and debunk myths of Introversion and appreciate your introverted self

Maximize Your Potential as an Introverted Entrepreneur

Learn the Qualities of successful introverted leaders throughout history

Find your genuine introvert qualities that will make you thrive in Business

How to better partner up with your complementary extroverts or your own introvert

How to use today’s web connected world to your introvert advantage

Among many, many others...

Second!...The Ultimate Parenting guide for Introvert Moms, Dads and Kids

Are you worried that your parenting ways aren’t exactly the best to make your INTROVERTED children thrive in a world that values “outgoing people” with “leadership skills” over everyone else?

Do you wonder what kind of activities will empower your INTROVERT son or daughter to become the best in what he or she chooses to be?

Are you ready to inspire your INTROVERT kid so that he or she performs to his/her FULL potential in any endeavor that he chooses for his Life?

In this essential guide you will get incredible insights into the following topics about Introvert Parenting:

Characteristics of Introverted Children

Pains and Challenges of Introverted Parents

Mistakes most Introverted Parents Make

Best ways to communicate and parent an Introverted kid

How to parent Introvert Teenagers

Strategies to maintain Good Mental and Physical Health for Introvert Parents

Activities Best suited to part with your Introverts Kids

Last but not Least,...The Introverted Women Relationship and Dating guide

Are you tired of people (guys) judging you and labeling you a freak, a bitch, or even a weirdo for not being an outgoing “people’s perso”?

Do you actually prefer staying at home ALONE watching a movie on Netflix or reading?

When you implement the simple strategies for introverted women that I expose in this b