Pistoleer · Brentford

Pistoleer · Brentford
Smith, Skye
Smashwords Edition
earl of warwick , prince rupert , civil war , 1642 , oliver cromwell , banbury castle , turnham green , dragon pistol , skirmishers
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In the fifth book in The Pistoleer series, the first major Civil War battle at Edgehill (in late 1642) has just ended a tie, and the rebel army is marching north towards Warwick in parallel with the king's army. From high on the edge, Captain Daniel Vanderus watches the king's army through his spyglass, and sees them wheel south towards Banbury. With the rebel army now going the wrong way, Banbury garrison was the only force standing between the king's army and London.

So much for his plan of going home. He had to choose between warning Warwick and warning Banbury. He turned his sure footed mare towards Banbury and urged her to run. It was a decision that would eventually make him witness to the slaughter of Brentford.

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About The Author

Skye Smith is my pen name. In 1630 one side of my Manchester ancestors fled to Massachusetts on one of the Earl of Warwick’s ships. The Pistoleer is a series of historical adventure novels set in Britain in the 1640's. I was encouraged to write them by fans of my Hoodsman series.

This is the fifth of the series, and you should read at least the first novel 'HellBurner' before you read 'Brentford' because it sets the characters and scene for the entire series. The sequence of the books follows the timeline of the Republic of Great Britain. The chapter headings identify the dates and places.

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The books so far in this series about the pistoleer, Daniel Vanderus are:

1. Hellburner - where Daniel joins the Covenanter army in Scotland, and then the Dutch Navy at the Battle of the Downs.

2. Slavers - where Daniel smuggles whiskey and guns, fights slavers, and ends up on a Caribbean Island.

3. Pirates - where Daniel fights Caribbean pirates, visits Bermuda, and then rescues parliamentarians from King Charles

4. Edgehill - where Daniel helps capture Dover Castle, fights on Babylon Hill, and then saves conscripts from the Battle of Edgehill

5. Brentford - where Daniel escapes the seige of Banbury, survives the slaughter of Brentford, and then fights at Turnham Green

6. Invasion - where Daniel rides with Colonel Waller, and then tries to stop Queen Henrietta's invasion fleet from landing