Texting for Dating · Sexy Text Messages for Single Guys Dating Girls

Texting for Dating · Sexy Text Messages for Single Guys Dating Girls
Quinn, Hayley
Helium Design Co
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The Ultimate Guide to Texting by a world renowned dating expert, Hayley Quinn.

Never be stuck for a text again with over 125 customizable cut and paste text messages to get the girl today.

• Ever wondered what the first message you should send a girl should be?

• How you can ask a girl on a date and always get her to say yes?

• How to use texts to flirt with girls until they can’t wait to see you?

• How to contact a girl after not hearing from her for ages?

Hayley Quinn’s Texting for Dating is your EXCLUSIVE GUIDE to knowing what texts to send, when to send them and how to write texts that always lead to dates because that’s what you really want!

Don’t waste your time and your money chasing after women with worn out routines I’ve helped thousands of guys to get the dating life they want and deserve.

Now it’s your turn.

In this eBook I want to give you:

• An exclusive eBook collection of 125 previously unreleased text messages that you won’t find anywhere else (not even in my Hayley’s Text Dating Game iPhone App)

• 166 pages of workshops & articles on constructing your own texts, learning how you can create great original messages that no one else will use

• An easy to understand system of what text to send when

• Fully customizable text templates that can be made unique to you

• Over 125 text tips to help you decide what is the right message to send.

• 10 golden rules of text game that you need to know before you pick up the phone

• Why she didn’t respond to your text message: explained & solved

Transform your text game, and start getting more dates TODAY with my tailor made premium text messaging guide for guys who want to stay true to

themselves and still transform.