[The Daemon's Descendants 02] • The Daemon Unleashed

[The Daemon's Descendants 02] • The Daemon Unleashed
Richards, Charlie
Gargoyle Expressions, Inc.
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For decades Philippe has lived the life of a thief, keeping apart from society. He steals items for customers…for a fee, of course, which has earned him wealth enough for several lifetimes. Due to his mixed heritage, a volatile mixture of human, angel, and daemon blood—a creature called a darkling—his job is his solace. After a disastrous encounter with a wizard, Philippe has a choice to make—live the rest of his life on the run or commit to a single task to gain a clean slate. Either way, his thieving days are over. Philippe accepts the Council of Wizard’s terms.

He finds himself traveling with Kalylle, a wizard of the second order. Their task is to clear up a disagreement between the dwarf and elven nations, as a war between their peoples would tear Fidelia apart. To Philippe’s surprise, he discovers an unexpected kinship with Kalylle—an attraction that offers both danger to their mission and hope for a future. Except as they run up against one obstacle after another, it becomes clear that a third party is involved, someone with powerful magical resources. Can Philippe overcome the urges of his daemonic heritage so he can complete his quest with Kalylle, or will the machinations of rogue wizards cause him to lose himself to the daemon living inside him?