[Secret Under My Skin 02] • The Raintree Rebellion

[Secret Under My Skin 02] • The Raintree Rebellion
Mcnaughton, Janet
science fiction , young adult
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Janet McNaughton’s brilliantly realized novel *The SecretUnder My* *Skin *has been critically acclaimed both here in Canada,where it won three awards, and in the US. Readers everywhere have been eagerlyawaiting its sequel, also set in a darkly tinged future three centuries ahead.

Blake Raintree, the heroine of *The Secret Under My Skin*,is now eighteen. She returns to the city of her birth as an aide to a justicecouncil charged with trying to address the wrongs of the technocaust. Whilethere, Blake submits the ID code from the microchip that was implanted in herarm by her parents in infancy, hoping to find out more about her past, andespecially her father. What she learns will cause her to question everything sheknows about herself. Torn between a terrible anger and a search for love andacceptance she has been denied her entire life, Blake must face a harsh choice.

Another superbly crafted blend of rich storytelling, thoughtprovoking ideas and sensitive character portrayal, *The Raintree* *Rebellion*reconfirms Janet McNaughton as one of our best juvenile novelists.