German · A Complete Guide for German Language Learning Including German Phrases, German Grammar and German Short Stories for Beginners

German · A Complete Guide for German Language Learning Including German Phrases, German Grammar and German Short Stories for Beginners
Smith, Dave
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The Complete Package For German Language Learning...

3 Books In 1 - Learn German, German Phrases, German Short Stories

*Learn German:*

Anyone looking to break the monolingual mold which so many native English speakers find themselves enclosed in will invariably find this book to be helpful. Here, we have a plethora of tips and techniques for learning German, as well as virtually any other language the reader can think of. If you are in search for a book on the subject of German learning, this would be the first for you to consider.

**Some of the numerous topics covered in this book are as follows:**

What it means to learn Standard German

High German and Low German

Finding your passion for learning German

Turning a chore into inspiration

Learning German by immersing yourself deeply within German culture

Finding native speakers to improve your overall understanding of the language and its culture

How to beat the most difficult part of learning the German language

Learning German in a more formal class environment

And Much More...

*German Phrases:*

Traveling is one of the most popular pastimes in the world. It is always an adventure to explore new places and meet new people, but it adds a whole new dimension to the experience if you can communicate with your new friends (at least a little) in their own language. Not to mention that it will be incredibly helpful in reading signs and menus, asking for prices, directions, help, or introducing yourself.

**This book will give you a basic foundation in the German language;** it includes pronunciations, sentence structures, and a rudimentary vocabulary to enable you to begin speaking with the people you meet. You will become familiar with nouns, gender, and case and how to apply them to articles, pronouns, adjectives, and sentences.

**Some of the phrases that'll be covered:**

Days of the Week



Getting to Know You…

Small Talk


Getting Around

Lodging & Hotels

Eating Out


Holiday Greetings

**And so much more...**

*German Short Stories:*

This book features several short stories in the Germanic tongue, along with their English translations. There are also sections dedicated to some grammatical and critical notes on the texts. The purpose of this book is not only to inform the reader about the German language, but also to entertain, and this short story collection does just that with ease. The topics that these stories cover range from private detective work to war, and from fairytale pancakes running from their evil captors to simple house tours. You won’t want to miss out on any of it.

**The stories included in this book were written by a number of contemporary authors in a number of genres and styles.**