American Epidemic

American Epidemic

**Surviving the outbreak is only the beginning**

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The Ebola virus in West Africa has been nearly eradicated with the support of many outside nations, including the United States. The US government, the military, and CDC applaud the success of their efforts to stabilize the region and bring about the end of the deadly outbreak, and it isn't long before Ebola is off the news and a distant memory in the minds of most Americans. Concerns soon shift to other things, and Ebola scares sound as dated as the Y2K bug.

Then, out of nowhere, the disease begins to spread within the US in several specific areas; notably where military and medical personnel are returning from their tours to West Africa. By the time public attention shifts back to the dangers of the virus, it's too late. The US has a genuine outbreak on its hands with an even deadlier Ebola strain that has somehow mutated into something highly contagious and even more extreme in its lethality. No one feels safe and mass panic breaks out across major cities all across the country. However, one man, a prepper from Nevada with a mysterious past, is determined to hunker down and survive the epidemic by any means necessary. Download this thrilling prequel to the American Epidemic series today!