Six Weeks of Seduction

Six Weeks of Seduction

It's been four months since Nick has been with a woman. One hundred and twenty days since he's touched Sarah, tasted her, felt her heat wrapped around him, but tonight his abstinence will end. Tonight, she'll come to La Petite Mort Club and they'll resume their passionate affair.

Except she doesn't show upno phone call, no letter, no nothing. It isn't possible that she doesn't want him. She was as hot for him as he was for her. He needs to find her and show her that she wants him as much as he wants her. Then he needs to f*** her and forget her.

Sarah would love to see Nick again, but guys like him don't wait four months for any woman. There is no way he'll still want to see her and she isn't going to allow herself to be humiliated and hurt again. Nope. They'd had their fun but it was over. Done. Completed.

When they meet again, Sarah sees it as one bonus night of fabulous sex but for Nick one night with Sarah will never be enough. Can Nick prove to her...