[The Adventures of Xavier & Vic 09] • A Despicable Crime

[The Adventures of Xavier & Vic 09] • A Despicable Crime

Family contacts that Xavier Thorn has long ago hidden from his life suddenly return. His beloved great-grandmother, which his father had declared dead when Xavier was six, turns out to be alive and annoyed that his father is stealing money from her bank account and the bank won’t stop him.

As matters escalate from theft to murder to a most despicable crime, Xavier learns more about his father who has hated him all his life and discovers some good news. However, first he must secure his great-grandmother and his mother, since the connection between the two ladies and Xavier has become known to several Crime Lords. As the man responsible for keeping all Crime Lords in line, the two ladies are now in danger of becoming hostages.

It’s a hard month for Vic. Due to saying too much while teaching the Scotland Yard officers on how to stop forgeries, Vic believes she has lost Xavier’s love. Also, her crazy sister Claire burns down the house Claire lives in simply because it cannot be put into her name. Then she arrives at Xavier and Vic’s house with the intention of killing them all.