Of Evil and Angels

Of Evil and Angels
Steaphan Kay
Uncanny Publishing, LLC
scifi , sci-fi , lgbtq , lesbian , dystopian , romance , heroine , religious , spiritual , paranormal
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Through force, UNUM has unified earth's religions. The unification sealed by a global uprising resulting from humans finally unlocking the full potential of the mind. This is the first book in the Of Evil and Angels series, introducing Alyssalee Quiteria, a young novice of UNUM and avid holocade gamer, just learning of her unique abilities. Her edgy demeanor contradicts years of indoctrination at Sisters of Light orphanage. She catches most off guard, and there lies the rubtrained as a noviceliving like a brawler. Alyssalee, not knowing what to do with her life, jumps at the first chance to escape the orphanage and experience the world. The opportunityto help UNUM investigate a surge in demonic possessions. Overnight, Alyssalee's life is transformed in this dark, futuristic world where nothing is at it seems, including her first encounters with overpowering love and raw evil. She must choose between living life, saving life, or taking life.