Donald Trump · the Biography

Donald Trump · the Biography
Press, University
University Press
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Donald Trump: The Biography

If only one word could be used to describe Donald Trump, it would have to be “big.” He’s tall and broad-shouldered. He has a fat bankroll and an extravagant lifestyle. He has a super-sized personality. Right now, he has a gigantic following. And he now holds the highest job in the government. The man has become something of a legend in his own time.

Best known as a businessman and entertainer, Trump has also been interested in politics for many years. Yet, his political statements have often been overlooked - until now. Suddenly, the coverage of his speeches and activities has been unprecedented, and, like it or not, the world is listening.

Donald Trump has been a very public person for a long time, but who is the man behind the photo images splashed across social media and the sound bites played on the news every night? He seems unafraid of stating his opinion, no matter how politically incorrect it might seem. His opponents latch onto every seemingly coarse or inappropriate word he says in hopes of discrediting his legitimacy. At the same time, his avid supporters cheer whenever he speaks.

Despite allegations of unfair or unscrupulous business practices, Trump continues to be a force to be reckoned with, rolling along on his own enormous personal command of every situation. Few in the world have seized that power with such gusto.

People who wield such influence make both friends and enemies, and Trump is no exception. His friends congratulate him on his successes and his apparently honest portrayal of current political issues. Yet, his enemies have gone so far as to compare him to some of the most notorious tyrants in history.

If you’re not sure who to believe, then the best thing you can do is learn more about the man himself. Who is this extraordinary figure? Beginning with the story of his ancestry, birth, and childhood, discover where the Trump legend ends and the man begins.

Donald Trump: The Biography