[Uncollected Anthology 03] • Love Stinks, Inc.

[Uncollected Anthology 03] • Love Stinks, Inc.
Reed, Annie
Thunder Valley Press
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It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Dyte, the immortal daughter of Cupid and Psyche, started her anti-Valentine’s Day business as a way to get even with her dad after he scared away her first real boyfriend. She just never expected Love Stinks, Inc., to become quite so successful.

Successful enough that Zeus wants to give her an official title: Goddess of the Chronically Single. Who in their right mind would want to go through eternity with a name like that?

Dyte only has two choices to avoid her dreaded naming day: admit that her dad was right and she was wrong about the whole boyfriend thing (like that will ever happen), or find true love (without the benefit of pointy arrows) before the clock strikes midnight on February 14th.

“You can’t go wrong with Annie Reed. Her deftly-crafted tales—with characters as memorable as the stories themselves—far surpass most of what’s out there. She deserves a wide audience.” –Michael J. Totten, author of RESURRECTION

"I've been a fan of Annie Reed's stories for a long time." –Marcelle Dubé, author of THE SHOELESS KID

A versatile, talented writer of fantasy, mystery, and science fiction, Annie can be found on the web at [www.annie-reed.com](http://www.annie-reed.com). If you'd like to learn more about the Uncollected Anthology series, go to [www.uncollectedanthology.com](http://www.uncollectedanthology.com).