[Liaden Universe 11] • Plan B

[Liaden Universe 11] • Plan B
Sharon & Lee, Miller
Audible Frontiers
fantasy , science fiction
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How can a series with terrific character development, witty dialogue, and high adventure fail? Lee, Miller, and dedicated fans refused to believe it could, and after 10 years, the Liaden Universe has returned from book limbo! If you can find them, look for other books in the series: Partners in Necessity , an omnibus of the first three novels, another omnibus containing two prequels, and the fifth book, I Dare. But feel free to start here: Plan B stands alone, though previous books provide rich back-story.

Meet Val Con yos'Phelium of Clan Korval. Val Con was once an "agent of change": recruited by Liad's Department of Interior (DOI) and redesigned--his memories blocked, his emotions suppressed--into a precision killing device. Val Con's sanity was saved by his lifemate, Miri Robertson. She's a half-Terran former mercenary sergeant even shorter than Val Con, and almost as deadly in combat. Miri also has Liaden dramliza (wizard) blood from her mother's family, Clan Erob. In Liaden society, one's melant'i (roughly: reputation, or face) is preserved by appropriate speech and behavior, including honor duels when a Balance is owed. Miri is nervous but Val Con says: "' Together , cha'trez, we are--' he bent his head, put his mouth next to her ear and breathed '-- hell on wheels.'"

DOI has plotted to destroy Korval; Korval now invokes Plan B: retreat strategically, trust no one, prepare for all-out war. Val Con and Miri are trapped by an invasion force of the militaristic Yxtrang as they await Val Con's foster siblings, who are arming the clan. And of course their adopted Clutch brothers, Edger and Sheather, who resemble giant turtles, are also on their way. Somewhat more slowly. Can everybody stay alive long enough to reunite?

If you love Lois McMaster Bujold's Miles Vorkosigan books, visit Liad. This is space opera at its best. --Nona Vero