Soul Mates. The Beginning

Soul Mates. The Beginning
Wood, Christine
love , soul mates , loss and hope
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All Isabella Humphries has ever dreamed of is being with the her brothers best friend, He was and is just that her brothers friend, and boy who played with her to kill time, whilst her brother readied himself for their wild nights out. Isabella Humphries may have been younger than him, but she knew he was the man for her. Bella has always been a precocious young girl, who has always been smarter than other girls her age, and has always been way more advanced in the way she interacts with her peers, she is old before her time and wise in all things business. Whilst her friends are still giggling teenagers, Bella is different, she is a hard working, headstrong girl, a woman in everything but age. She has a body that a model would kill for, with her legs that stretch to the moon and back, giving her the height and stature of a model, then you top the killer body, with her black hair and green eyes, then yes, she can and has turn many a boy's head, but that is all wasted on Bella, she has only two loves in her life, her family and her horses, and she has one hedonistic daydream, one that she knows is just a pipe dream, a daydream to get herself the man she has thought of since childhood, so instead she studies hard and enjoys her horses.Her life is perfect or as near to perfect as it could be, Th exception to her perfect world, is if her very grown up and non too realistic thoughts for the one person missing in her life, one hunky older man Christopher Holland, now if those wishes and dreams came to a glorious fruition she would be a happy girl. Bella is crazy and madly in love with Chris and has been forever, but he is her much older brothers best friend, and there lies the problem the age gap...

She has loved him since she first lid eyes on him, and he is the only boy teenager man, she has ever been in love. Nobody else stands a chance. Christopher Holland is the only legitimate heir to his father's billion dollar empire, He has a father who hates him and brother to half siblings that despised him too, he is wrapped up in making his own name in business and not swinging from his father's coat tails as is expected of him, but he despises his father, one for blaming him for everything that was wrong with his life and two for making his childhood miserable. The only happiness Chris ever had were the times spent with Isabella and her family. The Humphries family were all he ever wanted in the way of a family and for a time he was happy with them, until differing schools, in differing cities, in differing countries, forced them to drift apart. Then, as he has done so every year, Isabella's father invites Chris to Isabella's sweet sixteenth, he ponders about not going, because of business commitments, but its been years since he has seen them and it perks his interest to see how the gawky kid he remembers has changed, so he decides to go see his old faux family and get to know them again...