Literary Rogues

Literary Rogues
Shaffer, Andrew
Harper Perennial
writing , history , biography
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In Great Philosophers Who Failed at Love, Andrew Shaffer explored the romantic

failures of some of the great minds in history. Now, in Literary Rogues, he

turns his unflinching eye and wit to explore our love-hate relationship with

literature's most contrarian, drunken, vulgar, and just plain rude bad boys

(and girls) in this very funny and shockingly true compendium of literary


Vice wasn't always the domain of rock stars, rappers, and actors. There was a

time when writers fought both with words and fists, a time when writing was

synonymous with drinking and early mortality. The very mad geniuses whose

books are studied in schools around the world are the very ones who fell in

love repeatedly, and either outright killed themselves or drank or drugged

themselves as close to death's door as they could possibly get. Literary

Rogues turns back the clock to celebrate historical and living legends of

Western literature, such as: Edgar Allan Poe, Oscar Wilde, Zelda and F. Scott

Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Dorothy Parker, Hunter S. Thompson, and Bret

Easton Ellis.

Part nostalgia, part serious history of Western literary movements, and

Literary Rogues is a wholly raucous celebration of oft-vilified writers and

their work, brimming with interviews, research, and personality.