[Gutenberg 3172] • Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences

[Gutenberg 3172] • Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences

American author and humorist. Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is extensively quoted. During his lifetime, Twain became a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists and European royalty. Twain enjoyed immense public popularity. His keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers. American author William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature".

Table of Contents

Life On The Mississippi

A Burlesque Autobiography

How Tell a Story and Others

Christian Science

The Curious Republic of Gondour and Other Whimsical Sketches

Alonzo Fitz and Other Stories

Editorial Wild Oats

Essays on Paul Bourget

Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences

Goldsmith's Friend Abroad Again

In Defense of Harriet Shelley

Is Shakespeare Dead?

What Is Man? And Other Stories

The Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 1, 1853-1866

The Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 2, 1867-1875

The Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 3, 1876-1885

The Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 4, 1886-1900

The Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 5, 1901-1906

The Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 6, 1907-1910