King Of Hearts · The Complete Heart Novella Series

King Of Hearts · The Complete Heart Novella Series
Lace, Lolah
Lolah Lace Pub, WriteChick Publishing
interracial erotic dark romance
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I don’t usually pay for women. I don’t have too. I just want to. I’ve tried for years to suppress the urge to follow in the footsteps of the man I loathe. Now I have decided to embrace my true nature, indulge in something illegal, something I wanted for so long. I don’t want a pro. I want a woman that I can manipulate, control and discard. I found her and the games have begun, the game where she places all her cards on the table and I rip them. I play by my own rules. This is a dark romance.

The Complete Heart Novella Series includes Heart of Glass, Heart of Stone and Heart of Gold. King of Hearts is a dark Erotic Romance. This novella contains strong language and adult themes. This novella is for mature audiences only.