Beasts in the Garden · Eden's Ashes #1

Beasts in the Garden · Eden's Ashes #1


This is a renaming, repacking of what was previously published as

"Then Came Two Demon Walk Episode One"

"I know what you are now." These words, whispered into the ear of a beast wearing the skin of a human boy as he lay dying in an deserted moonlit parking lot.

Stella - A young woman learning to be a killer, who smells evil hiding inside of ordinary seeming men. Is she developing an unhealthy taste for blood?

Jilly - A teenage orphan trying to find her past who has the power to alter reality, a power which is already causing fractures, tears in the fabric that holds the world together.

The Third - As yet unknown, yet crucial to the survival of the species that is Man…

Adamel - A mysterious being from an alternate dimension, sent to prepare for the coming apocalypse.

Long ago there were Three, all identical, all tasked with guarding the very fate of mankind. Destined to be reborn again and again, their strange powers buried deep within their subconscious, to be kindled when beasts walk upon the earth as men.

That time is now.