Desperate Virgin

Desperate Virgin

Julie, a thirty-year-old virgin, reads Fifty Shades of Grey, and wants to experience sex and feel the emotions of love and romance. Following a disastrous speed dating evening, where no one showed any interest, she knows she has to change her ways to capture a suitable contender and fulfil her dream.

A make-over and a new wardrobe has the desired effect and Julie dates two men. Her lustful endeavours lead her to fall for a womanising rogue who leads her down a helter skelter spiral of devastation.

Will Julie see the error of her ways and settle for a mature, kind man who cares for her or will she forever hold a torch her rogue?

This short story will have readers urging naïve Julie to forget her cheating man and follow the path of true love, but can a woman in love with the wrong man, ever move on?