School Days According to Humphrey

School Days According to Humphrey

Humphrey is excited to get back to Room 26 and see all his old classmates. But on the first day of school, a bunch of strange kids arrive and no matter how loudly he squeaks up, they don't realize they're in the wrong room! Once Humphrey gets over the shock of being with a whole new group of students, he gets busy learning all about them and their problems. There's Rolling-Rosie, who can pop wheelies with her wheelchair, Tall-Paul and Small- Paul, who don't like to hear about their height, Hurry-Up-Harry, who loses track of time, and more. He hasn't forgotten about his friends from last year, and of course they miss him a ton. But when they start talking about taking him from Mrs. Brisbane's room, Humphrey gets unsqueakably nervous. How could he say good-bye to Mrs. Brisbane and Og for good? Nominated for twenty-one state awards and the winner of seven, the Humphrey series is a hit across the country.