Weight Watcher Guru Slow Cooker Volume II Points Plus Recipes (Weight Watcher Guru Series)

Weight Watcher Guru Slow Cooker Volume II Points Plus Recipes (Weight Watcher Guru Series)
Lewis, Candice J.
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Want to eat your favorite foods just with a healthy twist? Then just "Set It and Forget It" with your slow cooker.

Take a look at these slow cooker benefits

1. The longer your recipe is cooking the better your food is marinating.

2. Heartier meats like beef stew, roasts and steak become so tender and more satisfying to eat.

3. Slow cookers are safe, easy to use, and require no attention while cooking.

I'm sure you and your family will enjoy the incredibly flavorful recipes in "Weight Watcher Guru Slow Cooker Volume II Points Plus Recipes."