Journey to the Core of the Masculine · Conversations About Men and Masculinity

Journey to the Core of the Masculine · Conversations About Men and Masculinity

'Conversations about Men and Masculinity with Christopher Howard, Graham Reid Phoenix and Cheta Urmila Phoenix' (A deep-dive series of discussions on masculinity, sex, addiction and relationships) and 'A 40 Day Challenge for Men'(A journey through awareness, acceptance and authenticity to the core of the masculine).

Your interest in this book may be because there are gaps between your vision of your life and your current reality. In your inner world there may be a lack of certainty, self-doubt, a feeling of not being good enough, a lack of courage or power, a neediness in your relationships or a lack of self-love. In your outer world there may be signs such as women not staying around, a lack of men friends, strife in your relationships, broken relationships, needing sex, having affairs outside your relationship and the inability to know how to be a man.

Your inner vision may include a desire to be accepted and recognised as amazing and worth something. You might want to be wanted, needed and desired and you might feel a deep desire for love and connection with an intimate partner who complements you. Your outer vision possibly looks for a deep, connected long-term relationship. You may have a powerful vision of a powerful life in the future and you will understand that to envision and to commit is to find freedom.

Your greatest opportunity in reading this book is that giving up the pain, letting go of the hurt and focusing on others will bring the results you desire within sight.

Your biggest frustration may be that nothing seems to change, you never seem to get anywhere. You don’t know what to change, and you are confused by the conflicting advice you have received from people. You don't know what to focus on.

If any of the above is true you have come to the right place, you have made the right choice. I am here to support you and guide along the way. I offer you a guide to enable you to live a life of power, purpose and passion because you want to live a passionate, independent life and you want to integrate your life and your relationships.

I offer you my knowledge, experience and intuition, I offer you my ability to challenge the status quo and I offer you the solution you are seeking. I offer all this as an expert on relationships and masculinity. I offer you my life at the intersection of certainty and vulnerability.

Working through this book you will experience a transformation in your relationships with friends, family and partner. You will gain control over your life. You will that live life out loud and be fully present with others. Your friends and family will notice significant change in how you show up as a man. You will stand with confidence, walk tall, be powerful with compassion, and speak your truth.

There are two sections to the book that link together into a unique and powerful whole. The first is a record of a series of conversation my wife, Cheta Urmila, and I had with Christopher Howard on masculinity, sex, addiction and relationships. In them both Chris and myself opened ourselves up in a very personal and revealing way. We held nothing back and explored what it is to be men.

The second section is explored in some detail in the discussions I had with Chris. It is a challenge for men to spend 40 days reflecting on themselves and their life. Read the first section and them set aside time to work on the second, day by day, over 40 days.

Graham Reid Phoenix