[Valentine Mail Order Bride 06] • Eva's Vision

[Valentine Mail Order Bride 06] • Eva's Vision

Special Valentine Mail Order Bride Short Story

** Approximate Reading Time Is Ninety Minutes ****

New York City, 1898

Eva Lewis has been working her fingers off to earn her Typist’s Certificate so she can compete for a job usually reserved only for men. Her Mom is ailing after they both had to take extra housekeeping jobs to pay off health bills for her now deceased father.

When Eva and her Bible Study friends find out about Mail Order Bride advertisements in the local paper, they decide that is their only hope of finding husbands after another lonely and depressing Valentine’s Day passes them all by once again.

Mae, Maddie and Jewel are the first to go. Then Sarah and Caroline also leave to marry strangers out West. Now only Eva and Angie are left and Angie is also about to leave.

How will Eva find both passionate love and joyful work? Will Molly, her best friend typist classmate save the day? And can Eva leave her ailing Mom to travel so far away after her Dad died so recently?

Read Eva’s Vision to find out how this brave young woman dares to take hold of a life she is told she cannot have. Cry, giggle and laugh with her as she faces one obstacle after the other and faces life on her own terms.

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“Eva’s Vision" is a standalone book. It is also part of the “Valentine Mail Order Bride” series. Books from that collection can be read in any order.

The Valentine Mail Order Bride series was written in collaboration with the six other authors of the SWEET CLEAN BOOK CLUB, all women, each of whom write sweet and clean romance, and stories that make you go “aww.” This series consists of seven stand-alone books, one by each author, that are connected via the main protagonists - a group of young women who attend the same YWCA Bible Study. Will each of them find the love they seek?

Visit the Sweet Clean Book Club Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/SweetAndClea...), or http://SweetCleanBookClub.com for links to all the Author's pages.

Books in the series include:

Mae's Choice by Kate Cambridge


Maddie's Quest by Trinity Bellingham


Jewel's Dream by Annie Boone


Sarah's Journey by Christina Ward


Caroline's Promise by Faith Parsons


Eva's Vision by Jackie Marie Stephens


Angie's Hope by Lorena Dove
