Discovering Words

Discovering Words
Auger, Neepin
Rocky Mountain Books
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Neepin Auger's books for children contain original, brightly coloured images and early education level concepts familiar to everyone. Playful and bold, this dynamic series will educate and entertain preschoolers, parents, and teachers alike.

In addition to the English words presented, the French and Cree equivalents are also given, making these some of the most dynamic and useful board books on the market, perfectly suitable for the classroom, library, and nursery.

Neepin Auger is a Cree artist, educator, and mother. Originally from the Bigstone Cree Nation in northern Alberta, she has been painting for over ten years, having studied art under her father, Dale Auger, a renowned First Nations artist and author of the award-winning children's book Mwâkwa Talks to the Loon: A Cree Story for Children.

A apple pomme picikwâs

N night nuit tipiskâw

B butterfly papillon mimikwâs

O owl hibou ôhô


C canoe canoë cîmân

P paintbrush pinceau sisopêkahikanâhtik


D drum tambour mistikwaskihk

Q quilt courtepointe nanâtohkokwâtew


E eggs oeufs wâwih

R rainbow arc en ciel pîsimoyâpiy


F fish poisson kinosêw

S sweat lodge suerie matotisân


G garden jardin ka kiscikesihk

T teepee tipi mîkowâhp


H hat chapeau astotin

U up to jusqu'à ispimihk

I insect nsecte manicôs

V valley vallée ka tawatinak


J jacket veste miskotâkay

W water eau nîpîy


K knife couteau môhkomân

X x-ray radiographie sâpwâpahcikan


L loon plongeon mwâkwa

Y yellow bird oiseau jaune osâwi-piyêsîs


M moccasin mocassin maskisin

Z zig zag zig zag wâwâkastew


able07Neepin Auger's alphabet board book uses the same bright, simple style of illustration as the companion Discovering Numbers. English, French and Cree words accompany each illustration. Only the English words, in fact, follow the alphabet while the French and Cree words are translations. The pictures will be familiar to Cree children and provide a useful introduction to the other languages. —Canadian Aboriginal Books for Schools, 2014-2015

2014100107Each page of this small alphabet board book features an animal or object appealing to young readers. Many important aspects of Aboriginal cultures are featured. Sometimes this is in the choice of objects, such as canoe, drum, moccasins, sweat lodge, and teepee. Other times it is in the illustration itself such as Métis beading on a jacket or a woman’s long dark braid. Each picture is labeled in English, French, and Cree. The alphabetical order is based on the English words. A final page compiles all the pictures. —Canadian Aboriginal Books for Schools

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