[New Cthulhu 02] • More Recent Weird

[New Cthulhu 02] • More Recent Weird
Bear, Elizabeth & Langan, John & Monette, Sarah & Stross, Charles
Prime Books
science fiction , mystery , dark fantasy , anthologies , horror , cthulhu , anthology , fantasy , short stories
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Many of the best weird fiction writers & creators in other media have been influenced by the genre & the mythos H.P. Lovecraft created eight decades ago. His themes of cosmic indifference, minds invaded by the alien & the horrors of history—written with a pervasive atmosphere of dread—are more relevant than ever as we explore the mysteries of a cosmos in which our planet is infinitesimal & climatic change is overwhelming it. A few years ago, New Cthulhu presented some of the best of this new Lovecraftian fiction from the first decade of the 21st century. Now, New Cthulhu 2 brings more eldritch tales & even fresher fiction.

Introduction 2.0 / Paula Guran

The Same Deep Waters As You / Brian Hodge

Mysterium Tremendum / Laird Barron

The Transition of Elizabeth Haskings / Caitlín R. Kiernan

Bloom / John Langan

At Home with Azathoth / John Shirley

The Litany of Earth / Ruthanna Emrys

Necrotic Cove / Lois Gresh

On Ice / Simon Strantzas

The Wreck of the Charles Dexter Ward / Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette

All My Love, A Fishhook / Helen Marshall

The Doom That Came to Devil Reef / Don Webb

Momma Durtt / Michael Shea

They Smell of Thunder / W. H. Pugmire

The Song of Sighs / Angela Slatter

Fishwife / Carrie Vaughn

In the House of the Hummingbirds / Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Who Looks Back? / Kyla Ward

Equoid / Charles Stross

The Boy Who Followed Lovecraft / Marc Laidlaw

About the Authors
